Critical Thinking 101

Your existing superpower in problem-solving and decision-making

When your mind is full of assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs, it has no penetration, it just repeats past impressions.” - Sadhguru

Critical Thinking. It's a term that often dominates conversations in meetings, where brainstorming, problem-solving, and ideation take center stage. But do you truly understand what Critical Thinking is and how it can benefit you?

In next 7 minutes, my aim is to help you consciously focus and enhance this valuable skill.

Let's take a step back and understand what Critical Thinking really means and its practical applications. In this article, we'll explore this technique in simpler terms, how to practice it effectively, and be aware of its pitfalls.

Interestingly, despite the term's familiarity, critical thinking remains an enigmatic concept for many. Up until three years ago, I, too, had my own version of its definition, and to my surprise, very few people had engaged in detailed discussions about its true essence. In my decade-long experience in the product-led industry, I've never once heard someone say, "Let's think critically here."

Despite the lack of extensive discourse, there's an increasing demand to understand this skill better. Consider the search trend score over the last 22 years for "critical thinking," and you'll witness the growing curiosity surrounding it.

Critical Thinking search trend score | Framework Garage

Google Search trend score since 2000

Observe this visual for 20 seconds and notice the questions that come to your mind.

Framework Garage, Critical Thinking 101

Here are a few that I could think of:

  • What could have happened around 2007 that caused a drop?

  • Why is it steadily increasing?

  • Is the trend for the keyword "critical thinking" evenly distributed across different demographics, or is it more popular among certain groups of people?

  • Is this trend factoring in non-English speaking countries?

  • Does the increasing trend mean people are getting better at critical thinkers or simply becoming more aware?

My dear reader, you’ve just practiced thinking critically! More time you take, I am sure more questions you’ll have. So can we call ourselves critical thinkers now?

Framework Garage, Critical Thikng 101, learn critical thiking

YES! Absolutely.

Wait, this isn’t new. I’ve always asked questions during problem-solving and decision-making, so does that imply I have been a critical thinker for a while now?

YES! And I want to help you build a focus on that skill toward every opportunity you get. Let’s acquire clarity.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly, analyze information, and make thoughtful decisions based on evidence and logical reasoning. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating arguments, and considering different perspectives before reaching a conclusion. Critical thinking enables individuals to solve problems effectively, make informed choices, and approach complex situations with a rational and open-minded mindset.

Simplified explanation

Imagine you have a puzzle with missing pieces. Critical thinking is about closely examining the puzzle and asking questions like: Where could the missing pieces be? What do the other pieces tell me? Is there a clue or pattern that can help me solve it? When you watch a magic trick, critical thinking helps you ask: How did the magician do that? What's the secret behind the trick? In everyday life, critical thinking means not simply believing everything you hear or see. It involves asking questions, lots of them. For example, if someone tells you a story, critical thinking helps you consider whether it makes sense or if there's more to the story. So, critical thinking is like being a curious detective who asks questions, thinks carefully, and tries to figure things out. It helps you understand events and situations better and make smart decisions.

Remember, critical thinking doesn't stop at asking questions but also involves finding answers.

Don’t stop at curiosity, it’s important to apply from what your curiosity led you to learn.

I’ve been fortunate to collaborate with hundreds of people across the world. I have an observation to share. We think critically more often than we realize, but we haven't made a habit of applying it at work to its potential yet.

Why is Critical Thinking so important today?

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